Association membership is voluntary, and served by many member-volunteers. We are proud to continue to offer:
- Private boat ramp
- Night time security patrol
- Safe school bus stops
- Eight well maintained Association properties, which are public grounds for enjoyment
- A membership directory with maps
- Picnics and events throughout the year
- This website and more!
Make a Payment or Renewal Online
Pay to join or make a renewal payment here.
Membership Application
Submit your application to join the Overbrook Gardens Association and community. We appreciate your support!
Association Properties
Here are the eight beautiful properties around Overbrook Gardens neighborhood owned by the OGA, that members can visit and enjoy with their families and guests.
- The SR-776 entry wall properties (2) including the 1600′ wall itself.
- #12 at the South East corner of Forked Creek, next to the SR-776 bridge.
- The bus stop at the corner of Forked Creek & Overbrook Rd.
- The bus stop at Neptune Dr. & Overbrook Rd.
- The lake lot between Overbrook Rd. and the lake.
- The Fairview Circle lot.
- The boat ramp and adjoining lot.
We don’t pay taxes on these properties, but your Association dues pay for maintenance costs such as mowing, plantings, mulch, painting, work crew supplies, tree trimming and/or removal, SR 776 wall maintenance, etc.
Your dues pay for water and electricity on some of these properties. We are responsible for several hundred feet of Mangrove trees that protect our shorelines. Occasional trimming of the Mangroves is required by a licensed arborist. Your dues pay for this.
How we use Member Dues
- Maintenance costs of OGA properties such as mowing, plantings, mulch, painting, work crew supplies, tree trimming and/or removal, SR 776 wall maintenance, etc.
- Access to the boat ramp after you attain a key for the ramp lock.
- Your dues pay for the web site hosting service, postage costs, printing and copy costs, etc.
- Your Association sponsors an annual spring picnic, paying for park pavilion rent, meat, beverages, etc. There's a group of volunteers that arrange everything.
- The annual Christmas party is available to everyone who wishes to attend.
- We have a 'Welcome Wagon' committee that makes-up welcome baskets full of helpful information for our new residents. Basket supplies are paid for by the Association.
- Payment of dues also provides funds to create a directory of recorded residents that is updated annually. It is distributed to members in the Spring.

Joining and Submitting Payment
Great neighborhoods and strong communities start with participation. Join your neighborhood association today!
Dues are $75 per year for basic membership, or $100 for patron membership.
To become a full member the only requirement is being a property owner in Overbrook Gardens. To apply for membership click here to access the required form. After submitting the form, you can send your check to the following address.
Make checks payable to
Overbrook Gardens Association
PO Box 202
Englewood, FL 34295-0202
Thank you!
Affiliate Memberships
If you do not own property in Overbrook Gardens you can join the Association as an affiliate member. In order to qualify for this level of membership the following criteria must be met:
- You do not own property in Overbrook Gardens.
- You must be nominated and sponsored by a current Association member, in good standing.
- You must abide by all rules when accessing Overbrook Gardens’ properties.
Click here for additional information on affiliate membership and an application.
Additional Notes
New members please note that if you are registering after our normal enrollment period which is Jan. 1 through Feb. 15 (prior to the new directory being published), we will list your local information in the Directory Updates section on the Association web site, unless you indicate that your preference is NOT to be listed on the web site. For current residents, if you have changes after the Directory is published, these will also be listed in Directory Updates on the web site, with your permission.
We have community meetings, one in November and a business meeting in February. These are normally held at the New Hope Baptist Church.
We have one of the best voluntary Citizen’s Patrol organization in Sarasota County according to the Sheriff’s Dept.
The current budget is available on the Community Affairs page here.