**Update 9/3/24**
**Just received a call that they will be here tonight “after 9” spraying a fogger from a pick-up truck (they “contract it out”). I asked if it would be a bad night to walk the dog and the gentlemen said it shouldn’t be a concern, it’s not dangerous for pets or people (paraphrasing). They’ll do the whole neighborhood from 776 east as far as I understand, spraying on all the side roads as well. – Brian B, website admin**
You have likely noticed all the standing water in the water in the area from all the excess rain, and subsequent growing mosquito population in our neighborhood.
If you were not aware, Sarasota County provides free mosquito treatment for properties in their jurisdiction.
Here is the sign up link. If the homeowner fills out this form and submits it Sarasota County they will send someone out to individually treat each property for free. It’s been reported to us they are quick to respond and very efficient and effective.